
4 Real Life Stories of Support-Raising

4 Real Life Stories of Support-Raising

Raising support to sustain a life of missions can be overwhelming. It can be a major obstacle that keeps people from ever obeying God's call on their life. We know God controls every resource in the world, but do we truly believe He can provide in this way for our life? We've put together a series of support raising stories from people in different stages and viewpoints of life as a way to remind you that God is at work and He loves to show off in this way.

Walking in Obedience Through Support Raising

Walking in Obedience Through Support Raising

Raising support to sustain a life of missions can be overwhelming. It can be a major obstacle that keeps people from ever obeying God's call on their life. We know God controls every resource in the world, but do we truly believe He can provide in this way for our life? We've put together a series of support raising stories from people in different stages and viewpoints of life as a way to remind you that God is at work and He loves to show off in this way.

The False Security of Finances

The False Security of Finances

2017 was the year I quit the comfort of a set salary with benefits, and the false security of finances shattered in front of me. It was the year I embarked on the greatest, craziest adventure of my life: support-raising. As with most missions organizations, we are responsible for raising funds to cover our salary and ministry expenses. God has led Cafe 1040 to this model of ministry funding and has provided in significant ways for many years. 

Does God Know our needs before we even ask Him?

Does God Know our needs before we even ask Him?

Raising support to sustain a life of missions can be overwhelming. It can be a major obstacle that keeps people from ever obeying God's call on their life. We know God controls every resource in the world, but do we truly believe He can provide in this way for our life? We've put together a series of support raising stories from people in different stages and viewpoints of life as a way to remind you that God is at work and He loves to show off in this way.

7 Book Recommendations for 2018

7 Book Recommendations for 2018

Do you ever feel like there are so many books you’d like to read, but then you go to pick one and you never really know where to start? Should you pick up a work or fiction or is non-fiction a better use of time? The sheer amount of choices keeps you from reading all together. At Cafe 1040, we love sharing resources that keep us growing and learning so we polled a few of our staff to see which books they’d recommend.