Cafe 1040

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8 Must Reads for This Fall

Whether you are an avid reader with a lengthy booklist or someone who considers seeing the movie the same as reading the book, we all can agree these books are worth your time.  If you are considering missions, working in ministry or just want to grow in your faith, these books will guide you into a deeper understanding of God’s heart.   

1. The Abrahamic Revolution by Todd Ahrend 

2. Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale 

3. The Mission of God’s People by Christopher J. H. Wright

4. Radical by David Platt 

5. The God Ask by Steve Shadrach 

6. Thriving in Cross Cultural Ministry by Carissa Alma 

7. Western Christians in Global Missions by Paul Borthwick 

8. When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert 

At Cafe 1040, we pass around books often.  Send us a message or tweet at us with some of your recommendations. 

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