Cafe 1040

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Prayer is the Fuel of Missions

Written by a Cafe 1040 Student

Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the daily, humdrum routine of living life overseas, but my work of building relationships, learning tools, and sharing the love of Jesus has given every moment here a purpose.

The simple, or sometimes rather difficult, task of going to the market two to three times a week has become a time to pray for those around me.

God has taught me that though I cannot water or plant seeds in everyone I meet here, a fact that at times has broken my heart, I am still able to use the powerful tool lifting them up to the Father.

Whether it is the butcher I buy chicken from or the elderly lady that brings her produce to sell, I know each of them is seen by the Father as He hears my prayers:


Father, Let your name be made known here. I see you. I see your grace and your mercy. I see your love and how you are steadfast. Father, come into this place; make your name known.

Father, who will tell them of you? I am once again fully aware of what a small piece I am of your plan, of how great the need for workers is. We are only here for a moment. Father, send workers here!

Father, they strive with everything within them to be made right with you. Father, they are so lost, believing if they do enough good they can even out the scales of the weight of their sin. Help them to see that no measure of work can even out the scale, that their sins are too great.

Jesus, only you can bear the full weight of their sin; only you have lived the perfect life. Please, Father, help them see their own inadequacy so that they may lean into you and have life! Help them see it is not their weight to carry. Free them from the bondage they have been enslaved to. Jesus, only you can make man right. May they see you.