What Better Time

Written by a Cafe 1040 Overseas Mentor

 In David Jeremiah’s video, “The Sheltering God,” he says that to know what God is doing in the present, we need to look at what He’s done in the past.  He then says that in Joseph’s life, “his slavery and prison became the school where God prepared him for greatness.” 

 What I believe about God will always dictate my behavior, and the depth of my spiritual roots is what will anchor my belief in God. 

 Did you know that one of the most effective tools for the longevity of a newly planted tree is wind?  Our instinct might tell us to protect the tree from heavy winds and shelter it from the storm.  As the violent winds blow, the tree instinctively grows its roots deeper into the earth knowing that will anchor it against the winds. 

 We are in the midst of a mighty storm called Covid-19.  It has brought incredibly sad winds to our lives including lost loved ones, lost jobs, and in our case, homelessness as the country we minister in overseas won’t allow us to return. 

 2 Peter 1:2 says in the Message, “Grace and peace to you many times over as you deepen in your experience with God and Jesus, our Master.”

 In my life, I’ve found that my faith has the opportunity to deepen as I learn to trust the Lord in the midst of my storms.  Because I’ve seen Him be faithful in the past, it anchors me to trust Him in the present.  Through it all, He provides His peace despite whatever storm is raging around me. 

 Look at these men who chose to trust God in their storms: 

·      Moses moments before he stretched out his arms to part the Red Sea

·      David as he was putting the rock into his sling in front of Goliath

·      Daniel as he looked into the lion’s eyes in the lion’s den

·      Joseph as he sat seemingly forgotten in prison

·      Abraham as he cut the wood for the fire that was to be used to sacrifice his son, Isaac

 All of the above scenarios would easily be considered a storm with hurricane-like forces.  In each case, the Lord was using the storm as the school that prepared these men to be the mouthpieces of His faithfulness. 

What if this time of pandemic is actually a gift from God?  Time He’s giving us all to spend with Him driving our roots deep into the earth, time to deepen our relationships with family, time to pray for and love those around us? 

What better time as a believer to be the reflection of His faithfulness, love, peace, kindness, and grace to every person He’s put in our lives?   While I may not know or understand why I’m stateside instead of overseas, I am choosing by faith to continue to grow my roots deep so that no matter what I face, I will be fully anchored to my Savior and filled with His hope for the future.