
4 Missionary Biographies You Should Check Out

4 Missionary Biographies You Should Check Out

One of the most humbling experiences in missions is listening to the people who went before you. They are the rock movers who gave their lives to making a way for the gospel to penetrate some of the darkest places. Some people ready the soil, some people plant seeds and others get the joy of seeing a harvest. Be humbled and encouraged by these people who God worked through greatly. God did the work, these men and women simply made their lives available for Him to work through them.

So You’re Interested in Missions, Now What?

So You’re Interested in Missions, Now What?

We often get questions from people who are interested in missions and are looking for some next steps. It’s not likely that a person who lives in southwest Missouri just wakes up one morning as a missionary in the villages of Nepal. There are usually a few steps involved. We’ve put together a list of six resources that are a great starting point for anyone interested in learning more about missions.

It's Time, Millennials

It's Time, Millennials

I’m not sure when it hit. It was sometime between this article or maybe this video when I realized that it’s up to us to change the pulse of our generation. For too long, we have been labeled as the generation that is weak and lazy. We get discouraged easily and quit when we don’t win. We care about everything superficial and nothing important. We’d rather have a participation trophy than first place. The list goes on.

Suffering and Missions

Suffering and Missions

Around halfway through the semester, we hold a discussion with our students on the biblical perspective of suffering based on a sermon by Francis Chan.  Personally, that discussion has had new meaning for us depending on what life circumstances are happening during that season.  But no matter the season, we come to the same realization: suffering is allowed and ordained by God for the sake of the character of His children.

Five Things To Pack When Moving Overseas

Five Things To Pack When Moving Overseas

I’ve moved my life overseas a few times now, and the more I do it, the easier it gets. I’ve observed many other people move overseas as well and often times I’ve thought, “Oh wow, I wish someone would’ve told you not to bring all of that medicine with you! You could have filled that space with almond butter instead and bought the pharmaceuticals here—and for so much cheaper!”