Through this mentorship, I have learned so much about God, His word and myself that I could not have learned through any other program. I now know for sure that I will be unsatisfied with myself if I have any other life than that of a full-time missionary.
— North Africa Student, Spring 2016
I thought about how much God has shown me through this mentorship. He has given me confidence in knowing that with Him I can live overseas and thrive in a different context than I grew up in. The lessons God has taught me here are ones that I will carry with me the rest of my life. The deep love He has given me for His presence is what I hope to continue to cultivate the rest of my life.
— South Asia Student, Fall 2016
In the middle of the the 10/40 Window, smack in the middle of mountains and valleys in Southeast Asia, we found ourselves encountering God’s plan for the nations.
— Southeast Asia Student, Summer 2016


42% of the world’s population has no access to the gospel – commonly referred to as unreached peoples groups (UPGs). Eighty-five percent of the world's UPGs live within an area referred to as the 10/40 Window. This is loosely defined as 10 degrees north of the equator to 40 degrees north of the equator from North Africa to East Asia.