
A More Meaningful Ramadan

A More Meaningful Ramadan

Ramadan across the Muslim world is a time of commemorating the revelation of the Qu'ran. For a whole month, Muslims abstain from food, water, and other indulgences from sun up to sun down. It is said to be a time for cultivating a deeper relationship with Allah and refocusing on becoming a better Muslim man or woman. I have now been overseas for 3 Ramadan seasons, and each year I have felt the weight of this season more and more.

8 Ways to Pray with Us This Ramadan

8 Ways to Pray with Us This Ramadan

“Once per year, for a period of thirty days, Muslims disrupt their daily rhythms by fasting from sunrise to sunset during a month called Ramadan. This fast consists of abstaining from food, drink, tobacco, and sexual relations for thirty days each year. Families will wake and gather before the sunrise to feast for the day. Then, each night, families, neighborhoods, and communities gather together to celebrate the breaking of the fast (iftar) at sunset. In the places I have lived, the atmosphere during the iftar is festive, welcoming, and hospitable for Muslims and non-Muslims alike.” – 40 Questions About Islam by Matthew Bennett